Jenson & Juliet!!! Our Favorite Two Little People

Me- “Hey guys!!!! You wanna have a photo-shoot, it’s been a while?!!!”
Jenson- “Sure mom, we’d love to!”
Juliet- “YESSSS!!!! YEEESSSS!!!” (with all the excitement)
This about sums up two dream children, especially for a mommy photographer. 🙂
So, we got some of the cuter clothes on and got to having fun on one of my favorite spots (my bed!!!) yesterday morning.
These two kids bring me some of the greatest joys I have ever experienced. They can turn a bad day good instantly, just by a silly joke they say or a smile from their adorable little faces. Just yesterday afternoon we had so much fun just playing in Juliet’s room together all pinned up in her adorable little castle. Laughing & pretending we were in a flying castle way up in the clouds and we had to be so careful not to fall out because that would be disastrous. If I could just somehow bottle up that memory I’d be forever grateful!!! I know I will want to refer back to it when they are 18 and 15 and 30 and 27.
Then we moved to my room, hoped up on the bed and had the silliest fun playing “super man” through the air. Within a few minutes Jake joined us and suddenly it was a tickle fight and I was the victim. Just for the record I hate being tickled. It’s death!!! And whoever invented it should be murdered, instantly! Eeeekkk a little dramatic, but you get my point! Really though, who is with me!?
It is so crazy how God is teaching me some of the greatest lessons through these two children. Seeing their personalities blossom and flourish, I learn the importance of cultivating what God has gifted them with.
More and more I see so much of myself in Juliet. Her excitement and joy over the smallest things! She feels with all her heart both good and bad. Its not I like that, it’s I hate that. I am reminded often to guide that in her. To not criticize it and not try and squash it, but to teach her to express herself as she is gifted in good ways. The same is true with Jenson.
What an honor it is to be given these two little gifts!! They keep me challenged, joyful, exhausted, and ever learning patience and love. I am so blessed to have them in my life.
Here are some of the fun photos we took during our fun time yesterday! Hope you enjoy! <3 And I will treasure them forever. <3
My Little Lovies… 🙂