Mojo Convention ’17 . Cancun

For the past 3 years I have had the honor of photographing Mosquito Joe’s annual convention. And boy have they grown! The first year I was with them, they started at the Westin on the Virginia Beach Oceanfront and now 3 years later the attendance has tripled to over 200 people and they have moved to more tropical waters, Cancun, Mexico.
This year their convention was at the Westin Resort and Spa in Cancun which was so much fun! The first night (Wednesday) they started out with their annual Cocktail and Welcome Reception and served yummy authentic Mexican food. Uh, who can complain about yummy Authentic Mexican food?! Not me! It was so good and the outdoor setting by the beach on the side where the sun set couldn’t have been anymore perfect! As it got dark a live Mexican trio came out and graced everyone with their live music! YES!!!
Thursday night was their Awards Banquet which I always enjoy being a part of it. I think my favorite award every year goes to the person that comes of with the best slogan for the Company! Franchisees from all over the country submit slogans and the Corporate office votes on the best. This year (and last year too) Sarah Bess from Florida won with her slogan, “itching is so last season!”
Something new they added this year was a Friday night beach party! I think this was a perfect wrap up to the Convention! A great place for every one to wind down from all the breakout sessions, socials, and roundtable events. And everyone definitely let loose. I held back some of the photos so no one was embarrassed! 😉
I’d like to give a shoutout to this amazing company. As a wife of someone who works for the Corporate Office, it is so awesome to have a healthy place for my husband to go into work every day. To hear about the bosses that push him harder, help him grow, educate him, and provide a safe environment for him to work. The CEO, Kevin Wilson, and his stellar team have really worked together and created an excellent staff and it was awesome standing back and observing all the fruits of their hard work….the laughter and joy on the Franchisees faces, the bonds being created, and the fun being had! That is what all this is about! So many kuddos to this amazing team for building such an incredible Company!
P.S. If you need your yard of place of business sprayed by the best, contact Mosquito Joe!
Locaton: The Westin Cancun