McBride Family Session A Downtown Norfolk Hilton Family Session

The McBride Family
A few Saturday’s ago I had such a cool opportunity to work along-side a very talented videographer/photographer, Terri LaShae Photography. It was actually a first time for me to collaborate with another photographer in this way and I have to say it was so fun. It was really awesome to hear another photographer’s vision and her “why” and see the art of photography through a different perspective. I definitely learned a lot. My mind works in clean and neat ways and to see photography outside of that box helped me relax a little when things weren’t as clean and neat as I am use to. Children are never clean and neat. I think it is so important to view life through the way other people see things and I am so glad I did this.
We really don’t do a whole lot of family sessions anymore. When we do, it is usually a marathon once a year or for a family that has been “grand-fathered” in forever. Those are just the benefits of being with us from the beginning. I usually pick a family or friend or someone that has been on my heart to bless every year. I love doing that. But since I am the main shooter it is usually me choosing who I want to bless, but this year I asked Jake who he would like to bless and told him I’d do it for him. He chose this sweet family from our church, The McBride’s. I don’t “really” know them, but I follow them on Facebook and love what I see. They have big hearts and serve the church in such awesome ways. David, the man in this photo, runs a church campus in the Ghent, Norfolk area and does a lot of homeless initiatives. Truly a servant of people. The sweet little baby in these photos, “Grace” was adopted. Their lives shine and scream “big hearts!” I love that about them. Christina use to be a school teacher, but now stays home to raise her two beautiful girls. I don’t think I have ever really spoken to her before the day we met for this session (beyond Facebook anyways). Her outgoing and strong personality was so cool to watch shine. Her face was so full of joy and laughter which always makes my heart so happy.
To the McBride’s-Thank you for your awesome example. Thank you for your many sacrifices…the sacrifices that go unseen and unthanked. Thank you for your love for the lost and broken. Thank you for the joy you share just in a sweet smile. Christina thank you for the beautiful example of being such a good mom and raising these two beautiful children. 😉 May your lives be so refreshed…especially when things are pulling at you from every angle. Praying so many blessings over your sweet family! xoxo
So much love – Jake & Jen <3