Ian + Kristine . Engaged! A Croatan Beach & Town Center Engagement Session

Be still my heart and my eyes! 🙂 This beautiful couple, Ian & Kristine met me so early this past Sunday morning at the Croatan Beach in Virginia Beach. The sun wasn’t even awake yet and neither was I really! 😉 We arrived at about the same time, just before 7 am which gave us some time to walk and chat on our way to the beach front. I joked about my man morning voice on the way and asked them how they had been. As I do with all my couples, I spend the first few minutes just going over some posing basics. We were all done and it was time to start the real posing. 🙂 I positioned both Ian and Kristine into their first pose and pull my camera up to take a shot and Ian immediately pulls back quickly and throws his hands up to his eyes. It took me a second to figure out what was going on, but Ian was literally wiping tears away from his eyes. My heart leaped!! Wow! 🙂 Wow! 🙂 Wow! 🙂 He understood this gorgeous precious jewel he had in front of him! And Kristine seriously is all that and way more. She is one of the kindest & sweetest people I have ever met. Her smile is to die for and I seriously adore her, but not as much as Ian does I know for sure! 😉 Rightfully so! Ian, he is amazing too! He is fun & a joy to be a around. I had to totally interrupt his making out sessions (as I am literally laughing out loud as I am typing remembering it) with Kristine numerous times. I quickly started saying…ok, “you guys can take a break or make out, whatever you want to do!” It is couple like these that make my job so easy and their experience so natural and I couldn’t ask for a better time together with them. We finished up at the Croatan Beach and head over to Town Center in Virginia Beach and had fun doing a little different style with the tall buildings and city feel around. These two are gems and anyone who has them in their lives is so lucky! Jake & I cannot wait until next summer to be a part of their amazing wedding. Wishing them both a very happy engagement and thanking them for being so in love and making my experience a joy! We love you, Ian & Kristine! xoxoxo