Happy Father’s Day to Ade! Congratulations on Ade & Caroline on their announcement

I was having lunch with a friend at Zoe’s Kitchen in Virginia Beach, when two familiar faces popped around the corner, it was Ade & Caroline. We photographed their wedding a couple years ago, but we’ve known them for a few years longer. It was a joy to see them. They came over and chatted and I wondered why they were on the side of Virginia Beach that Zoe’s kitchen is on. They live by Chick’s beach and if you are a local you know that is a hike. They laughed and said Caroline had an appointment. Welllllll….a few seconds later I remembered that Complete Women’s Care is right there and I laughed and put two and two together. They were shocked that I figured it out so easily. Of course, it took everything inside of me not to jump up and down with so much happiness because these two people are gonna be the greatest parents, EVER!!!! Like ever!!! About a week later I got a text from Caroline asking me to do their announcement photos. They love sweets and if you remember their engagement session was in the kitchen, so we decided “Just Cupcakes,” the guys that did their wedding cake would be the perfect location.
We are so so happy for these two. And want to wish Ade his very first, Happy Father’s Day!!! All our love! -J & J!