Grady + Fawn . Wedding

Grady & Fawn
You know what I love?!! I love when I get to be in on all the little surprises that happen between a bride and groom on their wedding day. Just a month or so before Grady and Fawn’s wedding, I got a phone call from Fawn announcing that she and Grady were expecting and that they were actually married earlier that year at the courthouse. That most of their family didn’t know this news and they were going to use their wedding to announce these surprises. SO, me, as their photographer, got in on all the exciting plans of what they might do to announce it to their family and friends. Hearing Fawn’s excitement on every phone call that led up to her wedding was so fun and such a privilege. She was full of so much joy. The only worry was if she would or would not be able to fit in her already purchased wedding dress! <3 That day did propose a few extra deep breaths, but for the most part, she was in.
This Christmas themed wedding was gorgeous in every way. Founder’s Inn, at Christmas, is such a beautiful spot to get married with stunning Christmas decorations hung throughout and Christmas trees galore. Everything about this wedding was warm and full of Christmas spirit.
When I arrived at Founder’s Inn I quickly got to work on all the pretty little details and one of the details was cute little hand sown booties. Fawn was so excited about these little details because these booties were for the baby she is holding in her belly. After I finished up on the detail photos I hung out with the guys. This was a treat because normally Jake is with the guys and since he wasn’t hired to be a part of the day they got me! It was so fun laughing with the guys and coming up with great shots to make them look even dapper than they already did.
After I finished up with the guys, I headed over to hang with the girls. This was fun. And wow did Fawn look so stunning! So stunning! We laughed and cracked up together and then it was time to head down the aisle. The ceremony was perfect. Grady was so handsome and Fawn so beautiful. There was lots of laughter throughout the ceremony.
Skipping to the reception! This is where all the fun surprises were announced. The announcement that Fawn and Grady were already married earlier that year and that they were expecting. But still, there were 2 more fun surprises. They decided to use the wedding as a platform to announce the gender of the baby. “It’s a boy,” as blue balloons filled the reception hall. Then to top it off Grady planned a special duet on the trumpet for Fawn. Her eyes were full of tears as she watched and listened to him as he serenated her with music.
The day was so perfect. Everyone enjoyed themselves. I love stepping back and watching it all happen. Wishing these two so many blessings and such a very happy life together. Cannot wait to see what little Grady is gonna look like. Thank you, you two, for allowing me to be a part of such a special day in your lives. All the blessings!