Francisco-Bailey-McClendon Family Session

Francisco-Bailey-McClendon Family Session
This family!!! I love this family so much! I mean just look at their smiles. They literally have light shining out of their gorgeous faces. 🙂
I met the sweetest Lesley at a wedding that we were photographing. We chatted back and forth during the reception and exchanged contact information. Shortly there after, I was hanging out with Lesley & her husband Caleb doing some marketing photos for them. I fell in love with them immediately. Their hearts for God and their passion for the ministry easily had me paying full attention to who these two were. And they were so much fun. A little time later, I got to meet Pastor Nat, the gorgeous momma and Pastor’s wife of C3! She wanted me to capture her and her siblings at a difficult time in their lives. I was so honored to be able to do this at such a time. All of her siblings were amazing and I so loved hanging out with them that day! Then, a year later I was invited into their home to capture their family photos. Wow! So fun! But then after the session, I sat and talked to the youngest, Lauren for a good hour!!! She is incredible! Her heart, her inner beauty and just about everything about her!! She spends a lot of time in Africa helping an orphanage there. I love following her wisdom on social media! <3
Now the journey with this family brings me to this family session! Standing with them I am reminded of the goodness of God. I am challenged by such a beautiful example Pastor Nat has displayed. She raised some pretty amazing and solid girls. Wow, to follow in her footsteps even in the smallest ways. She truly leads by example and shines every fruit of the spirit there is! Gentleness being my very favorite to see in her! I so love watching her and her husband in such a great time in their lives…being grandparents and I also love watching the girls in their new seasons. Lesley just welcoming baby Jackson not too long ago.
It is always such an honor to be around this family! I always feel inspired when I walk away just by the examples they live out!
Thank you, you guys for allowing me to know you and be a part of your journey! <3