Enjoy Your Wedding Day!!! Tip Tuesday - Our Greatest Advice to Brides

Enjoy Your Wedding Day!
For this week’s “Tip Tuesday,” we are keeping it supa simple!
If we could give one tip (just one) to a bride & groom on their wedding day it would be to enjoy your day! You have waited your whole life for this one day, so above any other advice we can conjure up we encourage you to enjoy the day with all your heart. You will not be able to repeat this day, so choose to enjoy it no matter what. For some people this is easy, but for others this can be a little harder to do. We cannot tell you how many brides we see that allow one mishap to set the stage for how they choose to enjoy their day. Something as simple as a flower bouquet that did not turn out exactly how they had hoped or expected it to. You cannot change it in the moment, so why not choose to remain excited and happy? Or rain. Rain pretty much stinks on a wedding day, especially if you dreamed of all your photos being taken outside. Instead of letting this set the mood or the stage for the day why not think ahead and order a whole bunch of clear umbrellas? That way the weather cannot be a determining factor on how you enjoy your day?
We are firm believers that the bride has the power to set the atmosphere for how her day will be. When she chooses to enjoy her day everyone around her does too. Her girlfriends, her family and friends, her groom, and her vendors. We can almost guarantee you that some small thing will not go as expected. There are too many moving parts in a wedding for every single thing to be perfect, but we can promise you that how you view things sets the stage to how you’ll enjoy and remember your day for years to come. So choose to enjoy every single minute of your wedding day. So what if the bouquets aren’t exactly what you dreamed up or the weather didn’t turn out exactly how you imagined it might. You can deal with the florist later if you choose to. The weather…you can fuss at God later, I guess! Or you can trust some awesome photographers to pull off magic anyways! 😉
One thing that we’ve learned in life, in general, is not to put too much stock in our expectations. Why? Because you cannot control everything around you, especially other people. Obviously you plan and you dream it up, but putting so much emphasis on our expectations oftentimes will leave you disappointed. So do your best beforehand to make everything how you want it, but on the day set it in your mind that no matter what you are gonna enjoy your day!
This may be the thing that saddens us the most as wedding photographers, when a bride or groom isn’t enjoying their day to the fullest. We so understand everyone’s personalities and temperaments are different, but we also know that most will never get this day back. We’ve seen brides that choose to enjoy their day no matter what and we’ve seen brides that do not. We want to encourage you that things are so much smoother and enjoyable if you choose to enjoy your day no matter what. We hope this little tip will help you as you come closer to your day! Enjoy every bit of magic your day will offer you. We promise you if you choose to set your mind on the good things, that you’ll not only see magic everywhere, but you will laugh, smile and find so much more joy!