Chris + Gabby . Engaged! A Chesapeake Arbetorum Engagement

If you love hot engaged couples..yes, I said “hot engaged couples” then you will definitely love Chris and Gabby’s engagement session at the Chesapeake Arbetorum last Friday. These two got some special treatment from us. We never ever do engagement sessions on Friday nights…why, well because that is our date night! So, instead of Jake and I spending it alone we got to spend it with this adorable couple. It’s rare that Jake ever joins me for an engagement session, so it was nice to have him along. 🙂 Especially, we he held the reflector and carried all the bags! Thank you, Jake! <3
Gabby found us well basically through a friend. She saw Neil and Michelle’s wedding blog post in March and is mutual friends with Michelle’s sister and immediately fell in love with our work. I have to be honest, I fell in love with her the first time her and I talked on the phone. She has such an amazing personality. No wonder Chris adores her! 🙂 I also thought she was pretty cool, too. Why? She works as a producer for channel 3 news. Um, how cool!? I met Chris for the first time at the engagement session and he might be my favorite groom to be ever. He was super prepared. He brought roses and a cooler with wine for the photos. Um, how many guys think to do this kind of stuff for their engagement session? He did! 🙂 He is in school in Philly to be a foot doctor, but is enjoying the summer down here with Gabby; mostly spending it on boats and lakes.
I have to be honest, as much as I love my date night with Jake, I really had a wonderful time spending it with this couple. We laughed, joked, teased and got to know each other just a little. We cannot wait to photograph their wedding in September 2018 at the new Historic Post Office in Hampton. Jake said so too! So many congratulations to Chris and Gabby on their engagement! <3
Your joy & happiness radiate through the computer screen to all who view your pictures. I pray that this love will continue to grow for all eternity.