Stunning Virginia Beach First Landing Engagement Shane + Kristie

Here I am again, in Virginia Beach at First Landing State Park, photographing another engagement. This spot has to be our client’s location of choice. I completely understand why because it not only offers such beautiful scenery in such a short span but a lot of location variety. Today’s session was with the sweetest Shane & Kristie. It was my first time meeting them in person.
If I had to define ideal clients for us, these two would be it. Not because they are stunning, I promise. They were so fun, easy to talk to, & I found myself talking & asking questions just like I would with friends. Jake & I are warm, authentic people & we love when clients bring this to the table also. I loved Shane’s goofy side & how it kept Kristie laughing. The entire session was a joy for me. I had fun asking them deep meaningful questions as we walked through the park. Hearing all about their families was nice too. Jake & I can’t wait to meet them soon.
These two are getting married this Friday at the Decker Half Moon Cruise & Celebration in Downtown Norfolk, Virginia. Kristie has been living in Puerto Rico going to medical school. She is going to school there because the program teaches Spanish & English & she wants to be able to practice in both languages. Kristie wants to be a pediatrician. Shane plans to move to Puerto Rico after they get married.
To Shane & Kristie- Thank you for making this Virginia Beach First Landing engagement session so easy & fun. Jake & I cannot wait to celebrate & have fun with you both this Friday. We can’t wait to meet your beautiful family & watch them enjoy your wedding. See you guys so soon!
To see more of our engagements, click here.