The Santiago Family A Backyard Family Session

This family is absolutely perfect and one of the nicest families I’ve ever met (The Estrada’s). Meet Chet, Rachel and baby Cece! Little Cece was so adorable and a perfect little model behind the camera. Chet serves in our military and we are so thankful for his service and his wife and daughters sacrifice. We recently had the honor of photographing their sister, Michelle’s wedding in May and I fell so in love with their sweet family! 🙂 Baby Cece was much smaller then, but just as beautiful.
We had the best fun swatting mosquitos during their session. It was a beautiful week night and the mosquitos were everywhere. Thank God for the bug spray! Whew! This spot is located just behind our new home and absolutely gorgeous! 🙂
Chet, Rachel, and Cici thank you for gracing our camera with your presence and thank you to your sister, Jessica for helping behind the scenes. 🙂 x0x0
Absolutely beautiful pictures! Love you Cece, Rachel and Chet!