The Many Hats How to Keep Balance In All the Roles of Life

Daughter of God, Wife, Mother, Daughter of my mother and father, Sibling, Business Owner, Teacher, Friend and so much more! These are just some of the roles & hats I wear every day and I know you wear just about the same and maybe even more.
Recently, I took our two-year-old daughter, Juliet, to check out the school she will be attending this year. When Jenson, our son, was two we put him in a little school and we loved it for him. So now it is our daughters turn. We really think it’ll be great to get Jenson going strong this first year of Kindergarten and with our choice to homeschool him he can have all my attention. The school’s director follows me on Facebook and while we were there viewing the school, she turned to me and asked, “how do you do it all! You run a full-time business, are a stay at home mom and you’re going to homeschool.” I looked at her and smiled and said, “I don’t sleep!” I was only kidding even though sometimes it feels like that. But truthfully it is all in keeping both focus on what is important to me and finding balance in every area of life. My head does spin a little sometimes; especially in the mornings when my kids are coming at me full speed ahead. It is a constant dance keeping balance and giving everything the proper attention it needs, but I am learning everyday how to be better at it.
My number one goal is my children. Sometimes our photography business will try to pull me in a different direction and cause me to forget why I do what I do. For us, raising our children is the most important thing first and foremost and their education falls into that arena. So, I choose to devote my mornings to my children. I try very hard to be in the moment with them and give them my full attention.
My husband is important to me, so every Friday night we are sure to have a date night. It usually consists of eating at some restaurant that I choose (he is nice like that) and then coming home and watching a movie in a kid free home while eating Halo Top. If you haven’t tried Halo Top then um do so immediately. It is the best ice cream out there. #justsaying I might become a sales person for the ice cream. Seriously though, invest in your relationship with your spouse of significant other. It is important and should be a priority.
Time with God and His word are important to me. So I am ever working toward pursuing that. Whether it is just walking through life or taking a jog or reading a devotion.
Our business is important to me. I usually spend nap-time and evenings working on this, but if I feel like I just want to be with my family I will unashamedly stop what I am doing and snuggle up and be with them. Because they are far more important to me. My kids will only be small for so long. I keep that in my mind always.
Another thing that is important to me is my own personal well being. If I am getting overwhelmed, I take note immediately and will go have “me time!” I love going to the movies by myself or I will just enjoy a few hours doing something I love.
A hobby of mine is to fix things up or build things. If I could build a house I would seriously do it and be the happiest person alive. But I make time for doing these things because it brings me fulfillment.
My health is important to me. So, the first moments of the day are spent usually with Jake working out.
I am constantly internally evaluating each of these things and making sure everything is in proper balance and that I give each role and hat in my life its time. I don’t spend hours in front of the tv or on Facebook or Instagram. I am constantly moving and going, but if I need a nap, I take it and if I need a day out alone I give it to myself. Or if I just want to be with my family I do it. And this is how I have learned to manage many of the hats that I wear. I take all things and with the strength of God keep them in balance.
So, if you are struggling with all the hats and roles you have to fulfill in your life then I want to encourage you to grab a pen and piece of paper and start writing down the things that are most important to you and your family. Then, constantly remind yourself of these things. When distractions come (even Facebook or Instagram) push them aside. Be sure to say no to the things that distract you from your priorities. And definitely be sure to spend time giving to yourself and nurturing yourself. You cannot be anything for anyone else if you are burning out and empty, so go spend a day to yourself or an hour or two and pamper yourself.
xoxo, Jennifer