The Adventures of Personal Blogging Begin

So here it goes, the portion of our business that is probably lacking the most, personal blogging. I mean it is something that sounds like a great idea to do, but every time I try and think about something to write about my mind goes absolutely blank. I can blog my clients and my photo-shoots or about another awesome vendor, but my personal life…complete blank. Do I really lead that boring of a life…hmmm, not really! I just have no idea what to talk about on a personal level. And do I really even like writing? Or is the fear that my readers just don’t care that I lost my dog two weeks ago, or that I recently got braces put on, or that my kids are testing my sanity right now. Like literally right now! Or maybe it is because I am a very black and white person and have no idea how to make something look extremely flowery online or in words. I mean Juliet (our daughter) threw a fit today at the swimming pool because another kid pooped and the pool was closed. How do I make that sound flowery? I have no idea…
Last night I actually had this conversation with Jake because I have been trying to blog on a personal level for a year now. I even started by writing my very first personal blog post around that same time. They (all the other cool business woman) say personal blogging is how you build your clientele and people can decide whether they like you and want to get to know you or not. It is almost the new marketing today! Yes, to free marketing! And, well it looks absolutely true. For example, I religiously follow another perfect photographer’s life because she is brave enough to be intimate about her life and everything that she goes through. I mean I am flashing photos of her new baby to Jake every night! So, even though I am not in the market for a photographer I am following one religiously just to hear what’s going on in her life. Thus, it must be pretty effective, right? So, I am writing this blog post to share my personal struggles with blogging on a personal level and hoping it’ll be the game changer to my future in personal blogging. (I’ve got this!!!!)
So, here is to all the stories I will be writing about (hopefully once a week…permission to hold me accountable)….to the boring ones, the ones about this mom hoping for some sanity after a long day with her two crazy wonderful kids, and to the exciting happenings in the Vinluan life. I hope that you will get to know us a little and find something you can relate to in some way. Here is to the personal blogging adventures of the Vinluan’s!
Oh, and here is a really cute phone photo of my daughter this morning before she knew there was poop in the swimming pool. I wasn’t able to get an after photo for fear she would injure herself throwing a tantrum. 🙂