Sean + Amanda . Maternity A First Landing Maternity Session

Sean + Amanda
Some of the best joys in this life are getting to see and hang out with the people you love! So it was such a joy to stop the busy all around me and do this maternity session for Sean and Amanda. My favorite part was that they came to our house just before to catch up and hang. I truly wish our time was much longer. Next time, you too, please see us longer. 🙂
These two came up to Virginia for Amanda’s brother, Michael, and her now sister-in-law, Katie’s, wedding. Amanda, reached out to me to photograph their maternity session. Of course I was like yes! Although, I love taking these two’s photos, I love getting to spend time with them so much more. Secretly, I couldn’t wait to see them at Michael and Katie’s wedding. I kept hoping it was them turning the corner. I could not wait to see Amanda’s beautiful baby bump. My heart so lit up when I first saw them.
We decided to their maternity session at First Landing State Park, one of my favorite spots in Virginia Beach. The park was so crowded because it was Labor Day weekend. So we couldn’t go to all my favorite spots, but just chose two of the more secluded ones. There were people everywhere. The weather was perfect. Amanda was so glowing. Actually, while Jake was culling her photos he commented on how much she was glowing. I loved seeing her in a new way…entering the maturity of motherhood. To me, there seemed to be a rest and maturity about her. If you know Amanda, you know she is going to make a beautiful mother. She is already such a wonderful wife, friend, daughter, and sister.
While Sean was at our house, I loved overhearing him talk about all the things he is looking forward to about being a dad. He cannot wait to play with all the toys with his little boy. My son, Jenson, was organizing his Pokemon cards and Sean commented on how he couldn’t wait to do that with his son. We laughed because we told him it was going to be a little while before he could. Sean is going to make an incredible father. He has a heart of gold. I love his gentle way with Amanda. I love his kind heart. What a blessing this little boy is going to be to him and he is going to be to this little angel.
As we were walking back after the session was over Amanda shared how every year I’ve had the privilege of photographing them. In 2018, Jake and I drove down to Cary, NC on our way to our cruise and did their engagement session. In 2019, we photographed their wedding and in 2020 we got to do this amazing session for them. I hope the tradition follows and that next year I will somehow be able to do their family photos.
Jake and I love these two so much! I still remember the day we talked on the phone forever. It was dark outside and I paced my living room and talked and talked to Amanda like we were already family. Who knew our journey together would truly make us a part of their family and them a part of ours.
To Sean and Amanda, Jake and I love you so much. We couldn’t be anymore excited about this new baby and the many more to follow. Thank you so much for loving us, allowing us to be a part of this moment and blessing us with the joy of walking with you both. Thank you for being family! We pray the rest of your pregnancy goes so well and that your delivery is so perfect. Love you both so so much!
Jake & Jen
These are phenomenal!!!!
Beautiful pictures to treasure.,,,,,,,,,,,prayers for a healthy baby to love and treasure……… congratulations to you both.
Praying for a healthy baby for them too!
I keep looking at them and one is better than the next. Couldn’t ossibabily pick out one. You both look so happy and loving. Can’t wait to see this little one and you two with him. Love you both. Grandma Sharon
I agree! Each one is better than the next!