Sara, Isla, and Mica! A Backyard Ladies Session

This sweet Mom, Sara, contacted me to take her daughter’s photos. Wow! The minute I laid eyes on her I adored her!!! For her strength and smile. She is a stay-at-home mom whose husband is serving in our military and often gone. She has no family nearby and does so much on her own and she is incredibly fit…a true super star!!! I had so much fun chatting with her about mom life and how amazing she is to be doing all she does with little to no help. I cannot even imagine. She is a super hero in my book and I want to give her such an awesome shoutout for all she does when no one is looking! You are amazing, Sara! Thank you for being an incredible example. I’d be curled up in a ball if I were you. I am sure that is you sometimes, but you get up…I probably wouldn’t. You have two very amazing girls and you are setting an awesome example for them!
I think this blog post was suppose to be about your two angels, but I couldn’t help but make it about you! 🙂 They were perfect. Even with the screams and crying and having to bribe with candy. Thank you for allow me to capture them in their purest moments. 🙂 So many blessings, Sara!