Our Dream Girl! The Sweetest Juliet Claire

I titled this blog post, “Our Dream Girl!” because Juliet Claire really has become that. She has blossomed from a baby to a beautiful little girl. Every day she says something or does something that makes me smile with joy either outwardly or in my heart. We were swimming in the pool the other day and just watching how she’s grown made my heart so happy. As we were splashing and hanging out in the deep end she didn’t want to leave my side, so I swam from one side to the other with her back to the water and eyes to the ceiling she started screaming out of no where, “I want a muffin, I want a muffin!!!!” It was so random and so funny. I couldn’t help but laugh. This is really her personality. She dances to her own tune and causes everyone around to dance with her, naturally.
We went behind our home to this beautiful field and took some photos of her to capture her personality and her last moments of being two. After we got home she said, “mom, that was so fun taking photos!” I am so glad she enjoyed doing it. We hope you enjoy some photos of our very beautiful girl, Juliet Claire! <3