Obici House Suffolk Engagement Makis + Catherine

This Obici House Suffolk engagement was great! Whew, we had to dodge some insane weather & incredible overcast, but we did it & the whole session turned about beautiful. I’m thankful for all the lighting skills to make this session work.
Makis & Catherine were dreams to photograph. They were easy-going & relaxed. They made my job incredibly easy! Catherine’s make-up was just beautiful & I loved both of her outfit choices.
Jake & I cannot wait for their wedding in December.
To Makis & Catherine, thank you so much for allowing us to photograph your engagement. It was fun just laughing & getting to know you both a little more. Your choice of this Obici House Suffolk engagement was perfect for you two. Grateful we navigated that crazy storm & got some amazing photos.
We hope you enjoy some of our favorites.
Until December!
Jake & Jen
To view more of our engagements, click here!