Meet our Sweets! The two that make us Tick!

Not only do we serve amazing brides and their grooms because we absolutely love to, but we do it for these two little faces. Friday is often known as the day of introductions on Instagram, “Friday Introductions” to be exact. This is where many business owners use the opportunity to introduce themselves and encourage others to do the same! Well since tomorrow is Friday I am going to introduce the world to our adorable little children. The reason we tick!!! And tock!!! These cute little faces are everything to us. They mean the absolute world and we want you to meet them and get to know a little bit about them.
Meet our Jenson! He is the most tender-hearted boy I have ever met. Sweet, funny and lashes to make any gal jealous! He is incredibly smart and very very sensitive to the things of God and the hearts of those around him. He easily teaches us lessons daily and often will be the voice of conviction by his pure and sensitive heart! He is in love with toys. If you ever meet him he will probably tell you that he is a toy collector like his dad and if you see his room you will believe him. He has every set of Ninja Turtles from the 80’s to present, every set of Power Rangers to very very pricey ones to the non-pricey. He may start working on the Transformer collections next! He just started Kindergarten (Homeschooled), but wishes he could play outside all day with his friends or with his toys! He is such a joy! And we are so glad he is our first!
Next up….
This is Juliet! Everything sassy, intense, and exciting wrapped on into one little girl. She keeps us on our toes too…but in such a different way. From the moment she was born she was intense. She feels intensely! Which to the untrained in such a girl could cause panic attacks and it did about the first 6 months of her life in me. In all her intense emotions she is full of so much life. She is fun and witty and likes to be humorous. SHE LOVES HER BIG BROTHER & COPIES JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING HE DOES. If he has a tummy ache she suddenly has one. She tests him too! Every day! She easily stops a crowd anywhere we go. Her eyes are to die for and we never go anywhere people don’t stop to comment on how beautiful she is. She is in love with her mama! Intensely! She loves the pretty things…sparkling, pink, shiny, pretty! She is a girl to the core. Loves to have her nails and toes painted and to wear makeup! We love her and know that one day her intense personality will be a gift to the world!
Hope you enjoyed some of our favorites photos from our sweet home! 🙂 And that you enjoyed meeting our precious babies! Jenson & Juliet!
Love these Two, I am Blessed to be their Aunt,I carry them in my Heart, I look forward to following their growing lives. My Little Popcorn Man, you Two Quack Me Up!!! Love You????????????
Aw, we love you so very much! xoxox Can’t wait to see you again soon!